Grow & Scale with Confidence.
Your Success, Our Strategy.

We empower wellness entrepreneurs like you with a custom-tailored 1-on-1 coaching to accelerate growth and magnify your business's impact

If you are currently experiencing:

  • Inconsistent lead generation - Despite your efforts you struggle to attract a constant stream of clients.

  • Lack clarity on how to grow your business - not sure where to start or what strategy to follow.

  • Tech frustration/overwhelm - Trying to constantly learn and figure out what's the best tech stack for your business.

  • Isolation - working too much in your business not having time for balanced life with friends/loved ones

Then it's time to get the support you need

We Offer Personalized Growth Strategy for Wellness Entrepreneurs Just Like You

Our unique approach provides you with customized business guidance and coaching meticulously crafted to suit your business's unique needs. We're here to give you the clarity and confidence to scale your business in the wellness industry.

We Provide Launch Ready Funnels to Boost Your Success

Our packages distinguishes itself from other coaching programs with our exclusive, ready-to-launch funnel automations. No need for extensive tech know-how or starting from scratch—simply replicate your copy and assets and you're set to go. Plus, our thorough support ensures you stay on track towards achieving your business goals.

Receive Total Marketing Support for Outstanding Results

Elevate your marketing initiatives with our holistic spectrum of support, encompassing everything from enhanced email marketing automations to sophisticated ads strategies, funnel automations to email marketing automations, we've got you covered.

Our comprehensive range of services includes advanced positioning, offer refinement, and unparalleled ad strategy support. We give you everything you need to soar above the competition and make your mark in the wellness industry.

2 Ways We Can Help Your Business Grow & Scale

Essential Care

- Done With You -

Gives you custom 1-on-1 guidance and coaching to help you grow and scale with confidence and clarity.

This includes:

  • 90-Day Business Transformation Road Map

  • 3 Weeks A Month 1-on-1 Coaching Session

  • Custom Strategy to Fit Your Business's Needs

  • Customizable Funnel Automations

  • Optimized Messaging and Positioning

  • Offer Refinement

  • Enhanced Email Marketing Automations

  • Ads Strategy & Implementation Support

  • Full Spectrum Marketing Support

What makes our essential care package different from other coaching programs is that you get a customizable funnel automations that you can launch in just a couple of weeks.

Elite Care VIP

- Done For You -

This is our full suite Grow & Scale Package that allows you to focus in your zone of genius to work on your business,

while we work in your business.

Elite Care includes:

  • Full VFM method Business Strategy Road Map

  • Brand Enhancement

  • Optimized Messaging

  • Strategic Pivot & Positioning

  • Strategic Partnerships Building

  • Done-For-You Copywriting

  • Fully Built Out Advanced Funnel Automations

  • Done-For-You Email Copy & Automations

  • Ads Management & Audits

Our Elite Care Package is meant to give you back your time and peace of mind -> While we take care of all the tech, strategy and build your sales machine.

Essential Care

- Done With You -

Gives you custom 1-on-1 guidance and coaching to help you grow and scale with confidence and clarity.

This includes:

  • 90-Day Business Transformation Road Map

  • 3 Weeks A Month 1-on-1 Coaching Session

  • Custom Strategy to Fit Your Business's Needs

  • Customizable Funnel Automations

  • Optimized Messaging and Positioning

  • Offer Refinement

  • Enhanced Email Marketing Automations

  • Ads Strategy & Implementation Support

  • Full Spectrum Marketing Support

What makes our essential care package different from other coaching programs is that you get a customizable funnel automations that you can launch in just a couple of weeks.

All you have to do is copy and paste your copy and assets and you're ready to go. No more learning new tech or have to start from scratch. Plus we'll support you the whole way through to ensure you hit your goals.

Elite Care VIP

- Done For You -

This is our full suite Grow & Scale Package that allows you to focus in your zone of genius to work on your business,

while we work in your business.

Elite Care includes:

  • Full VFM method Business Strategy Road Map

  • Brand Enhancement

  • Optimized Messaging

  • Strategic Pivot & Positioning

  • Strategic Partnerships Building

  • Done-For-You Copywriting

  • Fully Built Out Advanced Funnel Automations

  • Done-For-You Email Copy & Automations

  • Ads Management & Audits

Our Elite Care Package is meant to give you back your time and peace of mind -> While we take care of all the tech, strategy and build your sales machine.


Risk-FREE Guaranteed

We are confident that we can over deliver. That''s why you give a risk-free guarantee when you chose to work with us.

During the allotted we choose to work together if you don't reach your goal, we will continue to work with you for free until you goal is met.

Need more information to decide with care package is right for you?

Click below to schedule a 15 minute call and let us help you get the clarity and info you need to move forward to start growing and scaling your business asap!

Some praise from clients

"He took us from zero to over 22K in the first month..."

We hired Sebastian to help us launch our business into existence. As a first time business owner I felt lost and scared but thanks his coaching and guidance we were able to create instant success. Sebastian took us from zero to over 22K in the first month, of which around 18K was recurring revenue.

Thanks to him we had a great start. And now two years later we had to expand into a new bigger location to be able to accommodate and handle our growing customer base. Without Sebastian's initial work and results we would not be were we are today.


Marlo Planas

Founder, Stop & Play

"Thanks to Sebastian we got 1,485 people to sign up for our 5 Day challenge and made just over 20K in just two weeks..."

Hey Sebastian, I wanted to take a moment and say thank you. You're the perfect fit for this role, and what you're helping us forge is vital to a successful creation of our next iteration.

During our meeting, we started to discuss the massive success of this campaign - the likes of which we have not seen, despite our large following and reach.

Your strategies, expertise and willingness to stand in what you know unapologetically is moving mountains.


Nirali McLauren

Director, Amrit Yoga Institute

"We made over 10K in sales by spending less than $500.."

I’ve been extremely happy with how Sebastian has helped our company grow so quickly. Since working with him our revenue has doubled and we’ve had a huge ROI using Facebook ads. We have made over 10K in sales by spending less than $500 on Facebook Ads…


James Goodlatte

Founder, Fit For Birth



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