Case Study:

Fit For Birth

Sales Copy & Facebook Ads Project

Case Study:

Amrit Yoga Institute

Masterclass Series Launch Project

Our Client

Fit For Birth offers totally unique, holistic pre-postnatal programs for individuals and professionals. Being one of the first pre-postnatal health educators to offer their trainings and certifications online.

As their business was growing slowly but steady the founder James Goodlatte was looking for help to take his business to the next level to deliver his product to a wider audience.

The Challenge

Their challenge was two-fold, their website lacked consistent traffic and their sales page conversion rate was stuck at less than 1% percent.

They desperately needed to find a way to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their site while at the same time improving their conversion rates.

Our Solution

We first began by recreating a new sales page for their main core offer. We improved the user experience as well as upgraded the copy.

We then focused on a Facebook™ Advertising strategy to acquire new customers and retargeting strategy to target warm audiences.

The Results

The sales page conversion jumped from 0.8% to 6.5% conversion rate.

The ad strategy brought in consistent traffic that ended up more than tripling their monthly revenue. The retargeting strategy brought in over $10k in revenue with less $500 ad spend.

Our time working together allowed Fit For Birth grow into the company they are today, the longest-running pre & postnatal health educators. They have been able to grow their staff, business and community.

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for your business?

Contact us today to see how we can make you our next success story


Risk-FREE Guaranteed

We are confident that we can over deliver. That''s why you give a risk-free guarantee when you chose to work with us.

During the allotted we choose to work together if you don't reach your goal, we will continue to work with you for free until you goal is met.

Some praise from clients

"He took us from zero to over 22K in the first month..."

We hired Sebastian to help us launch our business into existence. As a first time business owner I felt lost and scared but thanks his coaching and guidance we were able to create instant success. Sebastian took us from zero to over 22K in the first month, of which around 18K was recurring revenue.

Thanks to him we had a great start. And now two years later we had to expand into a new bigger location to be able to accommodate and handle our growing customer base. Without Sebastian's initial work and results we would not be were we are today.


Marlo Planas

Founder, Stop & Play

"We made over 10K in sales by spending less than $500.."

I’ve been extremely happy with how Sebastian has helped our company grow so quickly. Since working with him our revenue has doubled and we’ve had a huge ROI using Facebook ads. We have made over 10K in sales by spending less than $500 on Facebook Ads…


James Goodlatte

Founder, Fit For Birth



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